
UCL Energy Institute


UCL-Energy annual review now available

22 December 2017

As the 2017 comes to a close we reflect on the Institute's continued excellence in teaching and research during the 2016/17 academic year.

Energy Institute annual review 16/17

The UCL Energy Institute’s third annual review has just been released. Covering the latest research projects, events, and publications across the Institutes four research themes and teaching, the annual review celebrates the varied, interdisciplinary work of the Institute’s researchers and students.

In the Director’s report Professor Robert Lowe and Professor Neil Strachan state:

The research community should support developments across the whole economy, building resilient, cost-effective whole energy systems as new supply-side technologies emerge. As the rest of this Review demonstrates, the UCL Energy Institute is working at the forefront of this challenge.”

Read the annual review online here.