
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Development of a Public Private People Partnership for Climate Compatible Development in Maputo

A project examining the potential of partnerships between public, private and civil society actors to bridge the gap between rhetoric and action in climate change policy.

Development of a Public Private People Partnership for Climate Compatible Development in Maputo, Mozambique

7 November 2013


The 4PCCD project has been selected as of of the the, celebrating the most inspiring and transformational climate change mitigation and adaptation activities taking place globally.

4PCCDis a project examining the potential of partnerships between public, private and civil society actors to bridge the gap between rhetoric and action in climate change policy. In creating the conditions for climate compatible development, partnerships may act as a bridge between development and environmental concerns. Existing examples, such as the successful waste management system in Maputo, Mozambique, show the potential of approaches that engage a wide range of actors to develop synergies for the achievement of common objectives. However there are also risks in the use of partnerships as a form of governance.

In Maputo, peri-urban communities are threatened by increasing risk of flooding and the government is facing the bleak prospect of having to relocate them. FUNAB – the National Fund for the Environment of Mozambique – is seeking ways to make sure the views of local citizens are represented in the decision-making processes that seek to manage future urban climate governance risks in Maputo. Can local views be represented fairly in the municipal planning process through a partnership approach?

4PCCDis an action research project which seeks to experiment with different forms of dialogue in planning, bringing together different public, private and civil society actors to listen to the voices of Maputo’s citizens. The project is conceived as an experiment in dealing with the practical realities of partnership development for participatory planning.

Through a four-stage methodology the 12-month project will aim to establish criteria for the assessment of public-private-people partnerships (4P), mobilize a 4P platform in Maputo, assist the development of Local Climate Change and Development Plans at the community level, and disseminate findings with a view to contributing to the completion of the Mozambique National Climate Change Strategy.

Project Team

Vanesa Castan Broto
Lecturer in Environment and Sustainable Development
View Vanesa's Profile

Carlos Seventine
Executive Secretary, FUNAB, Fundo Nacional do Ambiente

Emily Boyd
Reader in Environmental Change and Human Communities
University of Reading

Jonathan Ensor
Lecturer, University of York

Sirkku Juhola
Research Fellow, Aalto University

Charlotte Allen
UCL consultant

Domingos Augusto Macucule

FUNAB Consultant


Advisory board

Prof Yves Cabannes
Chair in Environment and Planning, UCL

Youcef Ait-Chellouche
Deputy Regional Coordinator for UNISDR Africa


In this page we compile different outputs of the project; the information will be updated regularly (Last update 8 August 2014)

CDKN Report:

Project summary

In English:

Community plan

In English:

In Portuguese:

Learning Workshop

In English:

In Portuguese:

Policy briefing

In English:

In Portuguese:

Academic Papers

Boyd, E., Ensor, J., Castán Broto, V., & Juhola, S., (2014), 'Environmentalities of urban climate governance in Maputo, Mozambique',Global Environmental Change, Vol. 26, 140-151.

Interest in the role that cities can play in climate change as sites of transformation has increased but research has been limited in its practical applications and there has been limited consideration of how policies and technologies play out. These challenges necessitate a re-thinking of existing notions of urban governance in order to account for the practices that emerge from governments and a plethora of other actors in the context of uncertainty. We understand these practices to constitute adaptive governance, underpinned by social learning guiding the actions of the multiplicity of actors. The aim here is to unpack how social learning for adaptive governance requires attention to competing understandings of risk and identity, and the multiplicity of mechanisms in which change occurs or is blocked in urban climate governance.

We adopt a novel lens of ‘environmentalities’ which allows us to assess the historical and institutional context and power relations in the informal settlements of Maputo, Mozambique. Our findings highlight how environmental identities around urban adaptation to climate change are constituted in the social and physical divisions between the formal and informal settlements, whilst existing knowledge models prioritise dominant economic and political interests and lead to the construction of new environmental subjects. While the findings of this study are contextually distinct, the generalizable lessons are that governance of urban adaptation occurs and is solidified within a complex multiplicity of socio-ecological relations.

Castán Broto, V., (2014) Planning for Climate Change in the African City, International Development Planning Review, 36:3, 257-264.

In this viewpoint I argue for a perspective on climate change in African cities that focuses on challenges and also opportunities for action. Delivering climate change adaptation in cities in the first instance requires addressing immediate infrastructure and service provision needs, because increasing climate change resilience in cities also requires improving the delivery of services to all citizens. However, there is a risk that climate change discourses facilitate the deployment of technocratic, expert-led forms of planning, particularly when climate change is used as an excuse to facilitate the intervention of international planning consultants who most often know little about the local context of planning.

This paper advocates instead approaches to climate change action that harness opportunities on the ground to engage with the creative potential that urban citizens already have and to draw attention to the need to develop planning skills from within the city.

Castán Broto, V., Oballa, B., Junior, P. (2013). 'Governing climate change for a just city: Challenges and lessons from Maputo, Mozambique.'Local Environment18(6), 678-704.

This is the first publication emerging from the project Public Private People Partnerships for Climate Compatible Development in Maputo, Mozambique. While the project envisaged harnessing local knowledge for climate adaptation and development, we sought to do so from an engagement with the state-of-the-art literature on the case. To do so we teamed up with two leading researchers at UN-Habitat who had developed an analysis of climate change risks in Maputo within their Cities in Climate Change programme. In this paper, we reassessed UN-Habitat's work together with 1) an analysis of the urban governance processes in Maputo; and 2) a review of statistical information, and in particular, how climate change vulnerabilities related to poverty and access to services. Following on from this analysis, we argue for a consideration of social and environmental justice aspects of climate change interventions.

'Building adaptive capacity in the informal settlements of Maputo: lessons for development from a resilience perspective.' In: Inderberg, T.H., Eriksen, S., O’Brien, K. and Sygna, L. (eds.)Social Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries: “Development as usual is not enough”. London: Routledge.

In this publication we set a framework to support the development of a participatory planning methodology to address climate change in Maputo.Download.

See also