

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Marisol Garcia


Key Topics: temporary urbanism, temporary use, public space, spatial practices

Marisol is an architect from Universidad Catolica de Chile and holds an MSc degree in Building
and Urban Design in Development from the DPU, UCL in 2010. Her practice and research has
been focused in urban design, public space, post disaster recovery, social housing, participatory
processes and citizen-led urbanism.

In 2011 she cofounded Ciudad Emergente ( ), a laboratory of tools
and tactics for human-centered cities of which she is currently a board member. She is also
co-founder (2007) of Urbanismo Social ( ), an NGO in which she led the
development of large-scale low-income housing projects, working with the spectrum of urban
development actors to meet a community’s housing needs. In the UK, she have worked at the
International Programme of the Building and Social Housing Foundation ( )
where she helped to build international networks and disseminate best practice knowledge
related to worldwide social housing and community innovations.

She has been lecturer for the Master in Urban Projects at Universidad Católica de Chile
( ) and for the Faculty of Architecture at
Universidad del Desarrollo in Chile.

Her academic interests lie in the intersection between social, spatial and political processes for
the production of space. She is interested in the role of citizens in urban development analysing
processes of insurgent urbanism where everyday citizens have become drivers of change of
their own cities and neighbourhoods. Marisol's current PhD focusses in the politics of use of
public spaces through the reclamation of unused spaces in the city of Santiago. Her region of
studies is Latin America with a special interest in Chile’s urban development.


Chilean & Spanish


Becas Chile Conicyt


[1] García, Marisol (2016) Innovaci ó n y Sociedad Civil: Una alianza poderosa in CNDU, PNUD (2016)
Ciudad Inclusiva: Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y el desarrollo urbano en Chile. CNDU, Chile. Pp.
[2] Boano, Camillo & García, Marisol (2011) Lost in translation? The challenges of an
equitable post-disaster reconstruction process: Lessons from Chile, Environmental Hazards, 10:3-4, pp.
[3] Diacon, Diane; et.al (2011) Innovation, Sustainability, Transfer: 25 Years of the World Habitat Awards.
Building and Social Housing Foundation, Coalville UK.
[4] García, Marisol; et.al. (2006) Transformación Urbana en la Comuna de Santiago a partir de la Vivienda
en Densidad. En SPAM Arq (3). Pp 56-61