

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


From DPU to Local Government: Inclusive economic development in theory and in Islington

16 January 2020, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

From DPU to Local Government: Inclusive economic development in theory and in Islington

Event Information

Open to



Prof Michael Walls


DPU Room 101
34 Tavistock Square

A DPU State and Market Research Cluster Dialogues in Development.

Speaker Bio
Cllr Asima Shaikh is the Labour Councillor for Finsbury Park Ward and the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy & Jobs for Islington Council.

Asima’s background is in Urban Development Planning and she is a graduate of DPU’s UDP MSc. She started her career in international development in the 1990s working and living in South Africa, Pakistan, India and FYR Macedonia. In the UK she has worked in Public Policy for last 19 years including as a Senior Policy Adviser in the Department of Communities and Local Government on community cohesion and conflict following the 2001 riots in the northern towns. In the 2000s, she worked as a Neighbourhood Renewal Adviser for DCLG assisting local authorities and Government Offices. Immediately prior to becoming a councillor, Asima worked for the Greater London Authority on London-wide economic development work.

Currently she is involved in UK and international networks promoting community wealth building and inclusive economy policies by city and municipal governments.

(Photo: Islington Local History Centre)