

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Walkable Santiago? Challenges for inclusive neighbourhoods in the XXI Century

08 November 2018, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm


Event Information

Open to



Alexander Macfarlane


Room 2.01
Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place

Mix Cloud Widget Placeholder


This presentation combines two researches conducted in pericentral neighbourhoods of Santiago, Chile, which explore the importance of walkable and vital public spaces to promote inclusive communities. On one hand, walkability and the perception of streetscape is analised by Geraldine through semi-structured interviews and projective mapping techniques with residents in six neighbourhoods of different socio-economic background. On the other hand, Jorge will show the current socio-spatial patterns of the migrant residents in La Chimba neighbourhood, by using ethnographic analysis and semi-structured interviews to understand how these everyday life practices are modifying the way of living and working in this area and its impact on public space. These topics need recognition and to be incorporated into Chile’s New Urban Agenda.

Speaker Biography

Dr. M. Geraldine Herrmann-Lunecke is PhD in Urban Planning, Technische Universität Berlin, (2006) and Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Universidad Diego Portales, and Editor of Revista 180 (WOS Arts & Humanities ), Researcher at theÌýLaboratorio de Ciudad y Territorio UDP. She has conducted research projects and published articles on walkability and pedestrian environments, as well as on urban planning and resilience.

Dr. Jorge Inzulza-Contardo is PhD in Urban Planning and Landscape, The university of Manchester (2009) and Associate Professor and Acting Director of Urban Planning Department, University of Chile, and Editor of Revista de Urbanismo (Scopus ). He has over 20 years’ research expertiseÌýand publications on architectural and urban design, strategic planning, policies and master plans at regional at local levels.