

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


How light is changing the way students learn at school

29 January 2014

lighting in classrooms

was interviewed on , which aired on 22nd January 2014. The show looks at how the use of ambient lighting in the classroom is transforming the performance of students.

Drawing on her research on the effects of lighting on learning, Dr Konstantinou claims, ‘there are a lot of studies which have shown that lighting can actually impact on the mood of the students in their education and in their learning. When students are able to adjust the lighting to their needs, psychologically that helps them better concentrate because they feel that they have that extra bit of control.’

According to the show, some forward-thinking schools have already equipped their classrooms with , an innovative lighting solution developed by Philips which can adjust the ambience of a classroom to suit the lesson being taught.

For more information visit .

Image: Philips SchoolVision