

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA Working Paper 103


1 April 2006

Mapping European Research Networks

This paper proposes a framework for measuring the performance and mapping the geography of the European Research Area (ERA) based on the analysis of existing research and knowledge networks.

The objective is to provide insights into the spatial structure of the European space from the perspective of the distribution of excellence in research. Starting from the debate on European spatial development, key issues such as polycentricity, the territorial dimension and impact of European policies, the role of research investments as an engine of urban and regional development, the paper explores the potential use of integrating social network analysis and GIS in the evaluation of the spatialrelational structure of the European Research Area. The research uses data on the participation of academic and business research actors into research projects funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme.

This working paper is available as a PDF. The file size is 1051KB.

Authors: Elena Besussi

Publication Date: 1/4/2006

Download working paper No. 103.