

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA Working Paper 9


1 May 1999

STREETS: An Agent-Based Pedestrian Model

In this paper we present a two stage model for investigating pedestrian behaviour in urban centres. Pedestrian movement is influenced by both configuration and the location of attractions. An examination of agent-based models shows that this new approach is well suited to integrating these aspects.

An overview of the two stages of the STREETS model is presented, focusing on the division between the two stages: the first using GIS-based socio-economic data to populate the second stage which is an agent-based dynamic model of pedestrian activity. Some suggestions for development of this work are made.

This working paper is available as a PDF. The file size is 366KB.

Authors: Mark Thurstain-Goodwin, David O'Sullivan, Muki Haklay, Thorsten Schelhorn

Publication Date: 1/4/1999

Download working paper No. 9.