
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA presents its Annual GISRUK Award to Jonathan Olsen in 2023

24 April 2023

CASA has presented an award for best paper on spatial analysis annually at GISRUK since 2010 in memory of Sinesio Alves Junior. The winner of the award in 2023 was Jonathan Olsen.

Jonathan Olsen - 2023 GISRUK winner of CASA's Best Paper on Spatial Analysis

Congratulations to Jonathan Olsen who became the 2023 recipient of the CASA's Best Paper in Spatial Analysis award at this year's annual GISRUK conference which was held at Glasgow University.  His winning paper was entitled "Children's Time Spent Spent Living Locally.  Socio-economic variation in spatial access to local facilities and the 20 minute neighbourhood". 

It's our great pleasure to present this award annually at GISRUK in memory of Sinesio Alves Junior.  

Junior Sinesio-Alves
Junior, as he was affectionately known, is a much missed friend who joined CASA in 2001 as a Doctoral Researcher and member of staff. Junior worked as a Research Fellow at CASA on projects such as the ESRC NeXSuS project led by Peter Allen from Cranfield. He later assisted the whole of CASA with his technical expertise as our systems administrator and was returning to Brazil to take a job at INPE when he was unexpectedly diagnosed with a brain tumour.

Junior made a big impact on everyone he met due to his friendly and cheerful nature. He had a great sense of humour and was always smiling and we miss him very much.

Heysop Shin collecting the award on behalf of Jonathan Olsen
GISRUK prize presentation

Professor Adam Dennett and Dr Andrew McLachlan present the CASA Prize for Best Paper on Spatial Analysis at GISRUK 2023.  The award is collected by Heysop Shin on behalf of winner Jonathan Olsen.

Previous winners of this prestigious GISRUK award have been:

Shunya Kimura, Paul A. Longley, & Justin van Dijk for Exploring the spatial disparities in gambling risk and vulnerability in 2022 at Liverpool University

Yunzhe Liu and Meixu Chen, who co-authored the paper ‘’ in 2021 (Online).

S.M. Labib, Jonny Huck, and Sarah Lindley for "Greenness visibility using viewshed analysis: A pilot study in Manchester" in 2020 held online.

Oluwole Adeniyi for "A Comparative Analysis: Retailers’ locations and socio-economic deprivation" in 2019 held at the University of Newcastle.

Joseph Lewis for "The Suitability of Using Least Cost Path Analysis in the Prediction of Roman Roads in the Highland and Lowland Zones of Roman Britain" in 2018 held at the University of Leicester.

Luis Francisco Mejia Garcia for “Modelling Spatial Behaviour in Music Festivals Using Mobile Generated Data and Machine Learning” (with co-authors Guy Lansley and Ben Calnan) in 2017 held at Manchester University.

Kaisa Lahtinen for "Using Geographically Weighted Regression to Explore Spatial Variation in Survey Behaviour" in 2016 held at the University of Greenwich.

Alexandros Alexiou for "The Role of Geographical Context in Building Geodemographic Classifications" in 2015 held at the University of Leeds.

Sarah Wise for "Agent Based Modelling and GIS: Exploring our New Tools in a Disaster Context" in 2014 held at the University of Glasgow.

Dan Olner, Alison Heppenstall and Gordon Mitchell for "Modelling and visualising the impacts of increasing fuel costs on the UK spatial economy in 2013 held at the University of Liverpool

Suzanne Mavoa, Melody Oliver, Nicola Tavae and Karen Witten for “Using GIS to integrate children’s walking interview data and objectively physical activity data” in 2012 held at Lancaster University.

Heshan Du, Suchith Anand, Mike Jackson, Didier Leibovici, Jeremy Morley and Glen Hart for "Geographical Information Integration from Disparate Sources" in 2011 held at Portsmouth University.

Didier Leibovici, Lucy Bastin, Suchith Anand, Jerry Swan, Gobe Hobona and Mike Jackson for "Spatially Clustered Associations in Health GIS" in 2010 held at 911.