

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Climate Change by Numbers, featuring Dr Hannah Fry

26 February 2015

Climate Change by Numbers, featuring Dr Hannah Fry

Tune in to BBC4 this Monday (2nd March) to catch "Climate Change by Numbers".  It's presented by three mathematicians: Dr Hannah Fry (CASA UCL), Professor Norman Fenton (Queen Mary) and Professor David Spiegelhalter (Cambridge).

The programme explores three key numbers to clarify the important questions around climate change. The numbers are:

  • 0.85 degrees (the amount of warming the planet has undergone since 1880)
  • 95 per cent (the degree of certainty climate scientists have that at least half the recent warming is man-made)
  • 1 trillion tonnes (the total amount of carbon we can afford to burn - ever - in order to stay below 'dangerous levels' of climate change)

To find out more or watch the trailer below:

Tune in to BBC4 at 9pm Monday to watch it.