

The Bartlett School of Architecture


2004 publications

Broll, W; Lindt, I; Ohlenburg, J; Wittkämper, M; Yuan, C; Novotny, T; ... Strothman, A; (2004) In: (Proceedings) HC 2004 - Seventh International Conference on Humans and Computers. : Tokyo.
Carvalho, Rui; Penn, Alan; (2004) Physica A , 32 pp. 539-547.
Fatah gen Schieck, A; (2004) In: (Proceedings) eCAADe 2004 22nd Conference. : Copenhagen.
Fatah gen Schieck, A; Penn, A; Mottram, C; (2004) In: (Proceedings) Information Visualisation 04. IEEE
Fatah gen Schieck, A; Penn, A; Mottram, C; Strothmann, A; Ohlenburg, J; Broll, W; Aish, F; (2004) In: (Proceedings) eCAADe 2004 22nd Conference. : Copenhagen.
Hanna, S.; Haroun Mahdavi, S.; (2004) In: Beesley, P. and Cheng, N.Y-W. and Williamson, R.S., (eds.) Fabrication: examining the digital practice of architecture. Proceedings of the 23rd annual conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community. (pp. pp. 76-87). University of Waterloo School of Architecture Press: Toronto, Canada.
Hanna, S; Haroun Mahdavi, S; (2004) In: Beesley, P and Cheng, N and Williamson, R and Beesley, P and Cheng, N and Williamson, R, (eds.) ACADIA. (pp. 76 - 87). University of Waterloo School of Architecture Press: Toronto, Canada.
HANNA, S; Haroun Mahdavi, S; [Group exhibition]. ExCel Centre, London UK. 2004-11-17.
Hanson, J; (2004) In: (Proceedings) 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Society of Gerontology. University of Surrey
Hanson, J; (2004) In: Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Toilet. (pp. 55 - 74). : Tokyo, Japan.
Hanson, J; (2004) In: (Proceedings) RICS Cobra 2004 International Construction Conference: responding to change. : York, UK.
Hanson, J; (2004) In: (Proceedings) National Register of Access Consultants Annual Conference. : London.
Hanson, J; Bichard, J; Greed, C; (2004) Access by Design , Winter 2004 (101) 28 - 31.
Hanson, J; Bichard, J; Greed, C; (2004) In: (Proceedings) 30th Congress of the International Geographical Union. : Glasgow.
Hanson, J; Greed, C; Bichard, J; (2004) In: (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 2nd Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology. (pp. 187 - ?). : Cambridge.
Haroun Mahdavi, S.; Hanna, S.; (2004) In: Proceedings of SCIS & ISIS 2004. The Joint 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 5th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems. Keio University: Yokohama, Japan.
Hillier, B; (2004) Urban Design International , 9 (1) 31 - 45. .
Hillier, B; (2004) Planning in London , 48 45 - 49.
Hillier, B; Penn, A; (2004) ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN , 31 (4) 501 - 511. .
Karimi, K; (2004) In: (Proceedings) Walk 21 Conference.
Kim, YO; Penn, A; (2004) ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR , 36 (4) 483 - 504. .
Mahdavi, SH; Hanna, S; (2004) In: 2004 8th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV). (pp. 1291 - 1296).
Penn, A; Turner, A; (2004) Urban Design International , 9 (2) 81 - 96. .
Penn, Alan; Mottram, Chiron; Fatah gen. Schieck, Ava; Wittkämper, Michael; Störring, Moritz; Romell, Odd; ... Aish, Francis; (2004) In: van Leeuwen, J.P. and Timmermans, H.J.P., (eds.) 7th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning 2004. (pp. pp. 213-220). Kluwer Academic Publishers: Eindhoven.
Psarra, S; (2004) The Journal of Architecture , 9 (3) 369 - 391.
Sailer, K; (2004) Beiträge zur Planungs- und Architektursoziologie: Vol.2. Peter Lang Verlag: Frankfurt am Main.
Turner, A.; (2004) Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London: London, UK.
Turner, A; Mottram, C; Penn, A; (2004) In: Gero, JS, (ed.) (Proceedings) Design Cognition Computing '04. (pp. 259 - 274). MIT: Cambridge MA.
Vaughan, L; (2004) In: Whitehand, J, (ed.) (Proceedings) International Seminar on Urban Form at 30th International Geographical Congress. University of Strathclyde
Vaughan, L; (2004) In: Goldsworthy, V, (ed.) (Proceedings) 'The Good Life': Launch conference of the Centre for Suburban Studies. Kingston University: Surrey.
Vaughan, L; (2004) British Broadcasting Corporation