

The Bartlett School of Architecture


Mark Smout appointed Director of MArch Urban Design

17 July 2015


Mark Smout, a Senior Lecturer at The Bartlett School of Architecture UCL, has been appointed Director of the School’s MArch Urban Design programme. Smout will replace Dr Adrian Lahoud who has recently taken up the post Head of Architecture at the Royal College of Art (RCA). 

Professor Bob Sheil, Director of The Bartlett School of Architecture, comments:

'Urban Design is poised as one of the world’s greatest challenges and opportunities, and our programme has the potential to occupy a leading position in addressing the future on matters such as social cohesion, design environments, natural resources, habitats, landscape, technology, networks, and climate change.

Mark Smout will bring extensive experience as an internationally recognised design researcher to the programme, as well as a portfolio of extraordinary projects he has developed with Laura Allen, as part of Smout Allen, that address the relationship between design experimentation, science, land use, environments, cities, populations and buildings. We are looking forward to seeing Mark define a new chapter in the progression of this programme upon the foundations laid by Dr Adrian Lahoud. We are immensely grateful for all that Adrian has achieved here and we wish him well in his new role at the RCA'.

Smout will take up his new post in at the beginning of the 2015/16 academic year whislt continuing to teach on design Unit 11 with Laura Allen and Kyle Buchanan within the School’s MArch Architecture programme. 

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