

The Bartlett School of Architecture


Wates House Memory Project

11 February 2014

Wates House Memories

MArch Architecture student Dan Cotton is collecting stories about Wates House to use to create an alternative history of the building, as part of his thesis. He invites all students, staff and alumni who have experienced the building to submit one memory through his .

Memories can be anything that comes to mind when you think of Wates House. You are encouraged to be specific when you give your memory eg. about a past event, or a specific space in the building. The more information you give, the better. Examples include, but are not limited to:

What has changed since you first came here?
What is your favourite or least favourite space?
Is there a particularly memorable project/crit/event/party/exhibition that you can recall?
Have you been witness to any accidents or strange occurrences?
Have you ever stayed in the building overnight?
Have you fallen in love here?

All contributions will be anonymised.

For more information please contact: d.cotton.12@ucl.ac.uk