
AI for People and Planet


Videos and podcasts

Find out more about AI's applications and implications, through a selection of audio and video recordings of past events, lectures and introductions to some of our education and training in AI.

Videos - past events and lectures

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UCL Artificial Intelligence

This conference took the broadest definition of artificial intelligence and brought together UCL members involved in Fundamental AI research and those who apply these tools to address research challenges in a wide range of fields.

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The Social Issues around Artificial Intelligence

This UCL Town Meeting was help in the context of UCL's Grand Challenge of Transformative Technology. The event, hosted by Professor Jon Agar and Professor Noreena Hertz, featured six, 6-minute, presentations followed by a question and answer session.

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The Rise of the Automated Professional

The automation of tasks within the professions could augment and/or replace current roles, leading to fundamental changes across many sectors.This event explored the challenges and opportunities facing us. Click here to access this event's videos

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What if… we really wanted to prepare young people for the age of artificial intelligence?

Is it time for a more radical rethink of what and how we teach, or can a classic ‘liberal education’ – introducing children to ‘the best that has been thought and said’ in science and culture – continue to conquer all?
(also available as a podcast below)

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Artificial Intelligence and the future of learning

What makes a good teacher and a successful lesson? In this UCL Lunch Hour Lecture, Professor Luckin discusses what AI is telling us about how we learn and predicts how machines and humans will interact in the classrooms of the future.

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Internet of Wild Things - using technology to understand and safeguard our planet

Latest technological advances (such as sensing, analysing, monitoring, and responding to wildlife population declines) are helping us to better understand the natural world. Butare we really ready for the Internet of Wild Things?
(also available as a podcast below)

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AI in healthcare - over-hyped or under-used?

What is the framework for evaluation of AI in research and clinical practice? For patients and clinicians, truly intelligent healthcare must strive to be patient-centred as well as data-driven. Is AI ready and is the NHS ready for AI?

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If self-driving cars are the answer... what's the question?

Self-driving cars are currently learning to drive. The enthusiasts think that they will make the world safer, cleaner, happier and more efficient. Critics worry that they could be dangerous. Who should we believe and how should we find out?

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Artificial Intelligence, ethics and the law: What challenges? What opportunities?

What are the ethical and legal impact of AI on our societies. In this panel, the Alan Turing Institute, of which UCL is a member, brings together five thought leaders on AI from the corporate sector, academia, politics, and civil society.

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Data for Policy Conference: Government by Algorithm? (day 1)

The UCL-hosted 2017 highlighted “Government by Algorithm?” as its main theme, hosting a number of presentations on data-driven government and algorithmic decision-making with implementations ranging from health and crime prevention to crisis management and childcare.

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Data for Policy Conference: Government by Algorithm? (day 2)

The UCL-hosted 2017 highlighted “Government by Algorithm?” as its main theme, hosting a number of presentations on data-driven government and algorithmic decision-making with implementations ranging from health and crime prevention to crisis management and childcare.

Videos - education and training

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UCL Integrated Machine Learning Systems MSc

This new MSc Programme, starting in Sep 19, teaches how to engineer the machine learning systems that will form the basis of our economies, society and industry in the next few decades. It offers students the know-how necessary to pursue a wide variety of careers in the general field of integrated machine learning systems engineering in start-ups, well-established companies, or indeed research.
Find out more about the MSc

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Why should you join our i4health CDT at 911?

The University College London EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Intelligent Integrated Imaging in Healthcare (i4health) has a number of funded studentships every year. Each student joins an approved research project with real clinical applications and a joint engineering-clinical supervisory team.

Find out more about the i4health CDT

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UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI-enabled Healthcare

The Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in AI-enabled Healthcare, supported by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), combines UCL’s excellence both in AI and computational science, and in biomedical research. The CDT offers a unique programme consisting of a 1 year MRes followed by a 3 year PhD.
Find out more about the CDT in AI-enabled healthcare

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Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)in Data Intensive Science (DIS): Summer School 2018

The Centre primarily carriesout research in the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)'s flagship Data Intensive Science projects, in High Energy Physics and Astronomy, which have been at the forefront of DIS research for several decades and provide the ideal training ground for DIS.

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MSc in Energy Systems and Data Analytics

The MSc in Energy Systems and Data Analytics provides an academically leading and industrially relevant study of energy systems through the lens of data analytics. Taught by experts at University College London's prestigious Energy Institute, the MSc ESDA is the first programme of its kind in the UK, combining the study of Energy Systems with Data Science.
Find out more about the MSc inEnergy Systems and Data Analytics


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Can artificial intelligence help us to solve healthcare challenges?

Podcast produced for the Global Grand Challenges Summit 2017 - How to Change the World Student Challenge.

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What if… we really wanted to prepare young people for the age of artificial intelligence?

Summer Term debate by the UCL Institute of Education (IoE)
(also available as a video above)

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Internet of Wild Things - using technology to understand and safeguard our planet

One of UCL's popular public Lunch Hour Lectures (running at 911 since 1942)
(also available as a video above)

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How can artificial intelligence be developed to be more sustainable and beneficial for global populations and the planet?

Our inaugural UCL AI for People & Planet podcast, with guest speaker Professor Geraint Rees.

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Coronavirus: The Whole Story - Can AI save us?

Find out how AI helping us navigate the gradual return to normal life and explore with us how the pandemic has changed how we should use AI in the future.

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Disruptive Voices - AI and the Future of Work

Professor Rose Luckin (UCL Institute of Education) and Nimmi Patel (TechUK) discuss what AI developments could mean for the future of work in the UK and globally.