

Institute of Archaeology


Resources and Subsistence

This core module develops the understanding of theoretical debates and methodological issues in the archaeological study of subsistence.

The principal aims of this core moduleÌýare to develop and understanding of theoretical debates and methodological issues in the archaeological study of subsistence, changes in subsistence and related human modification of environments. This moduleÌýis intended to provide the theoretical grounding for practical projects in archaeozoology or archaeobotany examining subsistence, and consider the potential of geoarchaeological approaches to studying past subsistence systems.

Aims of the module

On successful completion of this module a student should:

  • have an overview of current debates about hunter gatherer subsistence, agricultural origins, intensification and social and cultural aspects of diet, food preparation and consumption
  • be familiar with a wide range of case studies and data sets, their problems and possible interpretations
  • to have adequate background in these issues to situate practical study or plant and/or animal assemblages from archaeology
  • be able to contribute constructively to knowledge based debate on a range of current issues in past human resource use and major transitions in subsistence mode

    Learning Outcomes

    • Critical analysis of arguments
    • Understanding of technical archaeozoology and archaeobotany publications
    • Comprehension of technical jargon relevant to subsistence, domestication and intensification, and arguments made about these issues from archaeological datasets
    • Written and oral skills in analysis and presentation
    • Application of acquired knowledge to new situations
    • Verbal discussion skills

    Teaching Methods

    The module is taught through seminars and lectures. Each weekly meeting will be about 50% lecture and 50% seminar, i.e. student led discussion Seminars have weekly recommended readings, which students will be expected to have done, to be able fully to follow and actively to contribute to discussion.

    Module information

    For registered students

    • Reading list:


    • Running in 2024-25