

Institute of Archaeology


Archaeologists in Print: Publishing for the People

14 September 2018

A new volume by Amara Thornton (Honorary Research Associate) was published recently by UCL Press and is available as a free download.

Archaeologists in Print: Publishing for the People (bookcover)


is a history of popular publishing in archaeology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a pivotal period of expansion and development in both archaeology and publishing. It examines how British archaeologists produced books and popular periodical articles for a non-scholarly audience, and explores the rise in archaeologists' public visibility. Notably, it analyses women's experiences in archaeology alongside better known male contemporaries as shown in their books and archives.

Amara is an alumna of the UCL Institute of Archaeology. Her PhD explored the social history of British archaeologists working in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East between 1870 and 1939. She held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute (2013-2016) and has been Co-ordinator of the Institute's History of Archaeology Network since 2010. She is also Principal Investigator of Filming Antiquity, a digitisation and research project for historic archaeology footage from the 1930s-1950s.

Further details