

UCL Anthropology



Jerome Lewis

University College London

‘Progress! Develop! Modernize!’ are concepts that destroy our ability to be contemporary. Such directives push those to whom they are uttered to put their efforts into trying to achieve an elusive future state, rather than take stock of the present moment and respond appropriately. Being contemporary to our current predicament, as Bruno Latour (2017) reminds us, is the most challenging issue facing humanity today. We most urgently need to take stock, and ask ourselves what an adequate response to the current global crisis might be?

Below you will find a link to an interview with CAOS co-founder Jerome Lewis. This interview covers Jerome’s research into hunter-gatherer societies, his deep-seated interest in ways of egalitarian living and being, his thorough interrogation of Western models of conservation. At the bottom of this interview is a link to an essay by Jerome titled Flourishing diversity: being contemporary in the Anthropocene.

As part of the book launch for The Anthropology of Sustainability, leading anthropologists consider this question – offering unconventional answers and a radical new paradigm for anthropology in the 21st century. Join us for a roundtable discussion with Henrietta Moore, Veronica Strang, Laura Rival, Marc Brightman & Jerome Lewis.


Eric Boyd

University College London (UCL)

