

UCL Anthropology


Dave Cook Wins JITT 2021 Paper of the Year

20 January 2021

Congratulations to Dave Cook, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, for winning the Journal of Information Technology and Tourism 2021 Article of the Year Award!

Dave Cook UCL Anthropology

Congratulations to Dave Cook, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, for winning the Journal of Information Technology and Tourism 2021 Article of the Year Award for his paper ''!

The paper came out in March 2020, a time when work life balance became a global news story, and discusses how digital nomads balance their work and leisure time. It has now been accessed more than 10,000 times (highest in the journals history), and has enabled Dave to work with others - including those on the Eworklife.co.uk project - to advocate for work-life balance being seriously considered as a public health issue. 

The JITT editorial team stated that "The research was chosen among all the papers published during 2020 in JITT based on the impact it has had on the journal audience. The paper illustrates a new and under-research topic and is very much in line with critical and transformative ideas of tourism research that JITT calls for."