

UCL Anthropology


Figuring out the Future Emerging subjects and the flux of the economic present

2 June 2015

Emerging subjects workshop

Workshop, 9th June 2015
Daryll Forde Seminar Room, UCL Anthropology, 14 Taviton Street, London, WC1H 0BW

What subjects emerge in radically uncertain political economies?

While some suggest that the precariousness of the capitalist world has become so persuasive that there is no alternative but to be resilient (and possibly suffer), this workshop will explore a different focus. New visions of the future are being invoked in order to actively bring different realities into being, avoid current calamities, and negotiate new ways of working within existing economic systems.

We ask how are these 'prefigurative subjectivities' constituted? We will explore what role the past plays when the future is constantly re-negotiated; and trace the kinds of spaces and concepts that are being created out of these temporal ambiguities.

All welcome!

Please RSVP: r.plueckhahn@ucl.ac.uk


Photo credit: Tserendondogiin Erdenechimeg