

Centre for Amyloidosis and Acute Phase Proteins


TAT and Reporting

Please check with your Pathology or Genetics Laboratory for copies of reports before contacting the National Amyloidosis Centre as all reports are copied to the appropriate laboratory, where details have been provided, at the time of requesting the genetic test.

Please contact our genetic secretary Melanie Fuller if you have not received a genetic report. Please note, it is our policy not to issue verbal results. We no longer post our genetic reports, instead, all reports are emailed to the referring clinician/laboratory confidential nhs.net account. Requests for copies of reports on the day that your patient is in the clinic cannot normally be accommodated; we usually require at least 24-hour notice.

We comply with the NHS TAT up to 42 days for Sanger sequencing and up to 84 days for NGS gene panel requests.