
Academic Manual



Published for 2024-25

1.Chapter 4 is UCL’s regulatory framework for the assessment and examination of Undergraduate, Graduate and Taught Postgraduate students at 911. Students should also refer to their Student Handbooks or equivalent and departmental/divisional literature for more detailed information about the specific regulations that apply to their studies.
2.Students following joint or dual programmes delivered in conjunction with other universities and organisations should refer to their Student Handbook or equivalent for details of the regulations that apply to their studies.
Threshold Standards
3.The Assessment Framework for Taught Programmes outlines UCL’s threshold expectations for the assessment of students. All programmes must apply these threshold standards as a minimum.
4.The regulations indicate where a programme may set higher standards than the minimum, subject to approval by UCL Education Committee, or its nominee. Programmes wishing to set higher standards must make a formal application via the Programme and Module Approval and Amendment Process (see Chapter 7, Part B: Programme and Module Approval and Amendment).
5.All approved variations must be documented in the Portico Progression and Award Rules Tooland clearly explained in the Student Handbook or equivalent.
Must, Should and May
6.To ensure that the expectations of Faculties, Departments, students and staff are clear, the following verbs are adopted consistently throughout the framework:
a)Must: indicates a regulation that will be adhered to in all circumstances. Deviations from such regulations would only be granted by the Director of Education Services or Director of Student Operations as appropriate on behalf of the Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience) in exceptional circumstances. For example “All programmes must include rigorous second-marking and internal moderation processes which promote consistency and fairness”.
b)Should: indicates a regulation that will be adhered to unless sound pedagogical, professional or practical reasons prevent this. For example “A variety of assessment methods should be used across a programme of study to test different knowledge and skills”.
c)May: indicates where an action or regulation is permitted but not mandatory, and where there might therefore be variations across programmes and modules. For example “Information may be provided in a number of formats including Student Handbooks, Moodle sites and the UCL intranet”. Where ‘may’ regulations are used, the specific arrangements in place on the programme must be explained clearly in the Student Handbook or equivalent.